The South American tipu tree (Tipuana tipu) is a notable exception, with beautiful yellow blossoms that give rise to pendant, samara-like legumes, each with a large wing on the lower end. Examples of weeds dispersed by wind and Tridax procumbens and Ageratum conyzoides (Goat Weed). * Wind dispersal of dandelion seeds Entada phaseoloides – Hydrochory Wind dispersal (anemochory) is one of the more primitive means of dispersal. Dispersal by Wind 2. Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at, Gone With the Wind: An Experiment on Seed and Fruit Dispersal, Sailing Seeds: An Experiment in Wind Dispersal, Examples of different seeds that are dispersed by the wind (Depending on where you live, you may be able to find some of these seeds outside. Although they are flowering plants, banksias produce a dense flower cluster (inflorescence) that gives rise to a cone-like structure containing many woody carpels. This method of wind dispersal is found in numerous species of flowering plants in many different plant families. Populations of wild artichoke often contain so much variation between spiny and non-spiny plants, that some experts believe that they belong to one variable species. Sea dispersal … It is listed in most older references as Salsola kali or S. pestifer; however, the Jepson Flora of California (1993) lists it as S. tragus. Many plant families have this type of wind dispersal, including the Willow Family (Salicaceae): Willows (Salix) and Cottonwoods (Populus); Cattail Family (Typhaceae): Cattails (Typha); Evening Primrose Family (Onagraceae): Willow-Herb (Epilobium) and California fuchsia (Zauschneria); Bombax Family (Bombaceae): Kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) and floss silk tree (Chorisia speciosa); and the Sycamore Family (Platanaceae): Sycamore (Platanus). Here is a brief discussion. When released from their seed capsules they flutter or spin through the air. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF … Some even have hair that help the seed to float on wind. They include lignum vitae (Guaicum officinale, 1.37); quebracho (Schinopsis balansae, 1.28); pau d'arco (Tabebuia serratifolia, 1.20); knob-thorn (Acacia pallens, 1.19); desert ironwood (Olneya tesota, 1.15); and ebony (Diospyros ebenum, 1.12). Dispersal by Wind (Fig. Retrieved July 30, 2015. The enormous winged fruits of the quipo tree flutter through the air, carpeting the ground beneath the huge canopy of this striking tropical tree. One of the best examples of this method is Alsomitra macrocarpa, a tropical vine in the Gourd Family (Cucurbitaceae) native to the Sunda Islands of the Malay Archipelago. To appreciate its airborne seeds, you really must see this grass during a strong gust of wind on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada during late summer. One of the best examples is Nerium oleander, a drought-resistant, Mediterranean shrub planted throughout southern California. Cottony coverings and parachute-like structures allow seeds to float with the wind. Since one gram of pure water occupies a volume of one cubic centimeter, anything having a specific gravity greater than 1.0 will sink in pure water. The floss silk tree (Chorisia speciosa), another member of the Bombax Family (Bombaceae) also produces large seed capsules lined with masses of silky hairs. You can use your imagination and come up with your own ideas but here are a few to get you started (using a paper clip as an example "seed"): Attach a paper clip to a small, square piece of paper, about the size of a Sticky Note, without making any changes to the paper. Individual achenes have a tuft of hairs at the base which probably helps in their wind dispersal. In South America, trumpet trees drop their leaves during the dry season and produce a profusion of pink or yellow blossoms. This is a troublesome weed in agricultural areas because it literally covers the farm land with bushy, prickly shrubs. Also try dropping a plain "seed" (for example, a regular paper clip with nothing attached) to see what happens. Cut out some paper in the shape of a maple seed and attach a paper clip. Cottony seeds and fruits include seeds and minute seed capsules with a tuft (coma) of cottony hairs at one end, or seeds embedded in a cottony mass. Find the perfect wind dispersal of seeds stock photo. Cottonwoods and willows also produce masses of seeds, each with a tuft of soft, white hairs. Such features as being winged, having parachute make them easily carried about by wind. When you take your best designs and try to improve on them, you mimic the process of evolution—because the "best" seed designs in nature are the ones most likely to reproduce! WIND DISPERSAL OF WEEDS The structures of some weed seeds enable their distribution by wind. This tree with its distinctive thorny trunk and showy pink flowers is commonly planted in southern California. The spherical heads hang from branches like little balls. The 2 sperm involved in the double fertilization process originated within the pollen tube that penetrated the embryo sac. A cattail marsh covering one acre may produce a trillion seeds, more than 200 times the number of people in the world. Although the Legume Family (Fabaceae) is the third largest plant family with over 18,000 described species, the vast majority of legumes do not have winged seeds or fruits. Exactly how far the seeds blow will depend on the strength of your fan but you should definitely see a difference in the horizontal distance traveled between a "plain" seed and one with a dispersal mechanism. True ironwoods include trees and shrubs with dry, seasoned woods that actually sink in water, with specific gravities greater than 1.0. Kapok is used primarily as a waterproof filler for mattresses, pillows, upholstery, softballs, and especially for life preservers. Although there are many studies of wind dispersal of seeds from a forest into an adjacent clearing, no physical model has yet been advanced. Seed Dispersal by Wind The wind is the natural and fundamental means of seed dispersal in the plant kingdom. According to Peter Loewer (Seeds: The Definitive Guide to Growing, History, and Lore, 1995), the aerodynamic seeds spiral downward in 20 foot (6 meter) circles, although a gust of wind would probably carry them much farther away. The natural reforestation of conifers following fire is proof of the flying ability of seeds from nearby forested slopes. Can you design seeds that will stay in the air for a long time? Probably the best way to appreciate the relative hardness of different woods is the concept of "specific gravity," a numerical scale based on 1.0 for pure water. Attach a paper clip to a cotton ball that you have pulled on to expand it a bit and make it wispier. It is used primarily as a waterproof filler for mattresses, pillows, upholstery, softballs, and especially for life preservers. Wind is very important for dispersing seeds to help plants reproduce. Seed dispersal is the movement, spread or transport of seeds away from the parent plant. Great pictures and general information on seed dispersal: Armstrong, W.P. Flutterer/Spinners: B. Have you ever looked outside on a windy day and seen "helicopter" seeds spinning through the air? Dispersal by Water. Have you wondered what would happen if all the seeds grew close to each other? Plants have limited mobility and rely upon a variety of dispersal vectors to transport their propagules, including both abiotic vectors such as the wind and living (biotic) vectors like birds. Without getting too mathematical, the specific gravity of a substance can easily be calculated by dividing its density (in grams per cubic centimeter) by the density of pure water (one gram per cubic centimeter). Usually dispersal of fruits and seeds take place by the following means. This is wind dispersal. Retrieved July 30, 2015. Gone With the Wind: An Experiment on Seed and Fruit Dispersal, from Science Buddies Seeds with "wings" (maples) or "parachutes" (milkweed) will stay aloft longer and be dispersed … asplenifolius) of southern California. The principles of buoyancy and specific gravity are utilized in many ways, from scuba diving and chemistry to the hardness of dry, seasoned wood. A kapok-filled life jacket can support 30 times its own weight in water. Or picked up a dandelion and blown on it, sending the tiny, fluffy seeds flying all over the place? Modifications in seed structure, composition, and size help in dispersal. Some seeds are modified to increase the chances of long range dispersal. Tumbleweeds roll across the plains, also using wind to disperse their seeds. In fact, the wood of a montane species (C. ledifolius), has a specific gravity of 1.12, as heavy and dense as ebony (Diospyros ebenum). Some of the examples in this group are very similar in function to parachute seeds, but probably are not carried as far by the wind. Although they usually don't travel very far, the achenes are blown into the air by strong gusts of wind during the dry, fire season of late summer and fall. This is especially true of the amazing fig trees and their symbiotic wasps. Some seeds, like the dandelion, have parachute-like sails and are carried aloft by the wind. Subscribers get more award-winning coverage of advances in science & technology. This makes it easy for the wind … Examples of seed dispersal by wind; Seeds which have wings and hairy parachutes on them are carried by the wind. The seeds have two papery, membranous wings, with combined wingspans of up to 5 inches (13 cm). Helicopters (also called Whirlybirds) include seeds or one-seeded fruits (samaras) with a rigid or membranous wing at one end. The ways that seeds move from place to place is called "seed dispersal." Another species, called squirrel-tail grass (Elymus elymoides), resembles a weedy introduced grass, but it is actually a native perennial of dry, rocky mountains and open land in the western United States. – sycamore, ash, maple, lime, dandelion and thistle When pods dry, they split open suddenly and shooting the seeds away from the parent plant and this is easy when the wind is there. Ever wondered how seeds from one Plant get sown in a different area altogether? So the wind may carry these seeds easily to … Orchid seeds and poppy seeds are like that. The haploid (1n) egg is fertilized by a haploid (1n) sperm resulting in a diploid (2n) zygote that divides by mitosis into a minute, multicellular embryo within the developing seed. In tropical regions of the New World, the kapok grows into an enormous rain forest tree with a massive buttressed trunk. These types of fruits and seeds are very light, small and provided with wings. Video and pictures of seed dispersal: Blowing in the Wind: Seeds and Fruit Dispersed by Wind. Union College, Department of Biological Sciences. Seeds of the South American kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) and floss silk tree (Chorisia speciosa) are embedded in dense masses of silky hairs inside large woody capsules. ), A window fan or large box fan (Use with caution and appropriate supervision.). [The beautiful jacaranda of Argentina has flattened, circular seed capsules.] Larger wind-dispersed seeds are generally heavier and therefore require features such as parachutes or wings to help keep them aloft. Some of the most beautiful flowering trees of the New World tropics belong to the Bignonia Family (Bignoniaceae). 1. Mature plants readily break off at the ground level and are pushed along by strong gusts of wind. If the seeds are heavy, or the wind light, the seeds will land close to the parent. Dispersal by Animals 3. Immature seeds (called ovules) each contain a minute, single-celled egg enclosed within a 7-celled embryo sac. In fact, some botanists believe that the cultivated artichoke (C. scolymus) may be a cultivated variety of the wild C. cardunculus. They typically produce long, slender (cigar-shaped) seed capsules containing masses of flat seeds with papery wings at each end. In some plants seeds are housed within a fruit (such as apples or oranges). The conceptual framework of movement ecology, wherein external factors (wind… Plants Some plants have seeds within fruits acting as kites or propellers that aid in wind dispersal. Seed dispersal allows plants to spread out from a wide area and avoid competing with one another for the same resources. They don’t float away but flutter to the ground. The wings are twisted and balanced so that the seed spins around as it is carried along by the wind. Another suggested use is to compress tumbleweeds into logs and use them for firewood. Design and build several—at least four—dispersal mechanisms for your seeds. Whether they spin or merely flutter depends on the size, shape and pitch of the wings, and the wind velocity. Seed - Seed - Dispersal by wind: In the modern world, wind dispersal (although numerically important) reflects the climatic and biotic poverty of certain regions; it is essentially a feature of pioneer vegetations. For example, Dandelion seeds have developed very light and fluffy parachute-like structures. E.g. These attractive pink-flowered species are commonly used as landscape trees in temperate regions. Russian thistle belongs to the goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), along with many weedy species and some valuable vegetables, including beets (Beta vulgaris), goosefoot (Chenopodium album) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea). In some parachutes, the crown of silky hairs arises directly from the top of the seed (not on an umbrella-like stalk). If plants grow too closely together, they have to compete for light, water and nutrients from the soil. Tumbleweeds often pile up in wind rows along fences and buildings. Gliders include seeds with 2 lateral wings that resemble the wings of an airplane. Seeds from plants like dandelions, swan plants and cottonwood trees are light and have feathery bristles and can be carried long distances by the wind. There are 3 main mechanisms for seed and fruit dispersal: (1) Hitchhiking on animals, ( 2) Drifting in ocean or fresh water, and (3) Floating in the wind. This undoubtedly helps to disperse the seeds when seed-bearing masses of hair are carried by the wind. Numerous species of flowering trees and shrubs in many diverse and unrelated plant families have evolved this ingenious method of seed dispersal, good examples of convergent evolution. The brilliant Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes discovered over 2,100 years ago that a body in water is buoyed up by a force equal to weight of the water displaced. You can also do the experiment outside on a windy day. Make a Whirlybird from Paper, from Scientific American During late spring and summer in the western United States, the cottony fluff from cottonwoods resembles newly fallen snow. Science Activities for All Ages!, from Science Buddies, This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies, 13 hours ago — Robin Lloyd | Opinion, 14 hours ago — Benjamin Storrow and E&E News, 18 hours ago — 500 Women Scientists | Opinion. Dispersal by Explosive Mechanism 4. from their birth site to their breeding site ('natal dispersal'), as well as the movement from one breeding site to another ('breeding dispersal'). Although their mode of dispersal is similar to single-winged helicopter seeds, the flutterer/spinners include seeds with a papery wing around the entire seed or at each end. Dispersal of seeds is very important for the survival of plant species. Pollination is also accomplished by the wind (or water), and it may also involve insects in some of nature's most fascinating relationships between a plant and an animal. Clear an open area in the room where you will do the seed-testing activity. Some examples of flutterer/spinner seeds include the Quassia Family (Simaroubaceae): Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima); Figwort Family (Scrophulariaceae): Empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa); Bignonia Family (Bignoniaceae): Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia), catalpa (Catalpa speciosa), desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), yellow bells (Tecoma stans), bower vine (Pandorea jasminoides), violet trumpet vine (Clytostoma callistegioides), and the fabulous trumpet trees (Tabebuia serratifolia and T. ipe); Elm Family (Ulmaceae): American and Chinese elms (Ulmus americana and U. parvifolia); Soapberry Family (Sapindaceae): Hop seed (Dodonea viscosa); and the Goosefoot Family (Chenopodiaceae): Four-wing saltbush (Atriplex canescens). Other kinds of asteraceae, such as the cocklebur, have prickly seeds that attach themselves to animal fur or skin or to human pant legs, socks and shoes to guarantee dispersal. Angiosperm seeds are produced and packaged in botanical structures called fruits which develop from the "female" pistils of flowers. The advantage of seed dispersal by wind is that the offspring can be transported a distance from the parent plant which will decrease competition between them. The seeds of kapok and floss silk trees are embedded in these silky masses which aid in their dispersal by wind; however they probably belong in Section 5 below (Cottony Seeds & Fruits). Evolution Seeds provide the vital genetic link and dispersal agent between successive generations of plants. The empty lumen (cavity) inside each hair is larger the cotton hairs; hence, the hairs are lighter. These help the seeds to float in the wind … Some fruits can be carried by water, such as a floating coconut. Introduction Wind is one of the primary means of dispersal of seeds. As with pollination syndromes, dispersal syndromes can be used to infer the likely dispersal mode of a particular fruit or seed type. Seeds are dispersed in several different ways. One of the most troublesome weeds of farm land in the western United States is wild or thistle artichoke (Cynara cardunculus). Although the seeds vary in shape, some of the most symmetrical ones superficially resemble the shape of the "flying wing" aircraft or a modern Stealth Bomber. Kapok comes from masses of silky hairs that line the seed capsules of the kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra), an enormous rain forest tree of Central and South America. Since the pure cell wall material (lignin and cellulose)) of wood has a density of about 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter, even the world's heaviest hardwoods generally have specific gravities less than 1.5 due to tiny pores (lumens) within the cell walls. There are "parachutes" on top of some seeds, like milkweed and dandelion seeds. In arid areas that see little rain, for example, dispersal occurs mostly by wind action and is greatest where wind activity and speeds are high. The one-seeded fruit (achene) has a persistent, feathery style that glistens in the sunlight. The thistle members of the sunflower family have adapted small, light, helicopter-like seeds that can easily be dispersed by wind. Craft supplies to build dispersal mechanisms for your seeds (These could be as … The large seed head of this weedy composite releases hundreds of parachute seeds which fly through the air and invade vast areas of grazing land with spiny, perennial bushes that literally take over. Leroy Simon / Visuals Unlimited Wind Dispersal cont’d: Most of these plants produce a … Seed - Seed - Dispersal by water: Many marine, beach, pond, and swamp plants have waterborne seeds, which are buoyant by being enclosed in corky fruits or air-containing fruits or both; examples of these plants include water plantain, yellow flag, sea kale, sea rocket, sea beet, and all species of Rhizophoraceae, a family of mangrove plants. Seed dispersal from the Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), North America. In addition, each plant produces billions of wind-borne pollen grains; in fact, so much pollen that it was used as flour by North American Indians and made into bread. Tumbleweed is a prolific seeder and rapid seed germination and seedling establishment occurs after only a brief and limited rainy season. Background ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about the dispersal of fruits and seeds:- 1. Other seeds are dispersed by the wind—such as the "winged" seeds from a maple tree that spin and "helicopter" through the air as they fall or the light feathery seeds from a dandelion that can catch on the breeze. Empress Tree (Paulownia tomentosa, Scrophulariaceae); D. Tree Of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima, Simaroubaceae); G. Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia, Bignoniaceae). Poison Oak: More Than Just Scratching The Surface, Go To Longan & Other Members Of Soapberry Family, Photos Of Yellow Bells, Pau d'Arco,Trumpet Vine & Saltbush, See Straight Pin & Sewing Needle Used In Wayne's Word Articles, See More Photos Of Miscellaneous Wind-Blown Seeds. One fuzzy brown cattail spike may contain a million tiny seeds. Although some of these trees are called ironwoods, their dense, dry wood will still float in water. Dispersal of Seeds by Wind Some tall trees produce seeds with stiff wings covering the seed that enable them to fly long distances. Many seeds are well adapted to wind travel. Unlike cotton hairs, kapok is difficult to spin and is not made into textiles. The spinning action is similar to auto-rotation in helicopters, when a helicopter "slowly" descends after a power loss. In this project you will make your own artificial "seeds" from craft materials. Wind dispersal of dandelion seeds. (1) Dispersal by wind: Seeds of many plants are carried away by wind and are distributed at distant places. Biology Any discussion of flutterer/spinners would not be complete without mentioning the quipo tree (Cavanillesia platanifolia), a massive rain forest tree in the bombax family (Bombacaeae) native to Panama. The common tumbleweed or Russian thistle is a rounded, bushy annual introduced into the western United States from the plains of southeastern Russia and western Siberia in the late 1800s. Dispersal is also used to describe the movement of … If you have access to the Internet, you can also do a Web search for maple seeds, dandelion seeds and other types of wind-dispersed seeds to help get ideas. We used two contrasting tropical tree species, seed traps, micrometeorology, and a mechanistic model to evaluate how variation in four key traits affects seed dispersal by wind. Seeds can be dispersed away from the parent plant individually or collectively, as well as dispersed in both space and time. Seeds such as Foxglove are minute and are easily blown about by the wind. The Grass Family (Poaceae) includes a number of species with plumose flower stalks that fragment into seed-bearing spikelets that blow into the wind. A single plant may produce 20,000 to 50,000 seeds within numerous small fruits, each surrounded by a circular, papery border. An important detail for a wind-dispersed seed is that it is very light.It must be able to float easily on wind or else it will drop straight to the ground. Sometimes there may be some specialized mechanism of spore dispersal. 113): ADVERTISEMENTS: Some fruits rind seeds are so small and light that they may be easily carried by wind… The large leaf stalks (resembling giant celery stalks) are edible and are sold under the name of "cardoon." Parachutes include seeds or achenes (one-seeded fruits) with an elevated, umbrella-like crown of intricately-branched hairs at the top, often produced in globose heads or puff-like clusters. Wind-dispersed fruit are lightweight and may have wing-like appendages that allow them to be carried by the wind. The name "thistle" comes from the stiff, sharp-pointed, awl-shaped leaves. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners. In exalbuminous seeds (found in many plants such as the legumes), the endosperm tissue is already absorbed by the time you examine a mature seed within the pod, and the 2 white fleshy halves in the seed are really the cotyledons (components of the embryo). Maples have a double or twin samara composed of 2 winged one-seeded fruits (double samara) joined together at their bases. Some of these species have become troublesome weeds in southern California, including the South African fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum). Each carpel bears 2 winged seeds and the entire cone-like structure superficially resembles a pine cone. The dried, winged legumes spin so neatly in the air that they could be marketed as a child's toy. The latter, purple-flowered species (T. porrifolius) has a large, edible tap root with a flavor resembling oysters, hence the name "oyster plant.". Wayne's Word. Traits associated with seed dispersal vary tremendously among sympatric wind-dispersed plants. The wing typically has a slight pitch (like a propeller or fan blade), causing the seed to spin as it falls. Its seeds have literally blown across mountain ranges, colonizing vast fields of open land in the western United States. (You may have gotten them stuck on your clothing if you ever went hiking in the woods or tall grass.). Place the fan on a table or chair, aimed across the room. Depending on the wind velocity and distance above the ground, helicopter seeds can be carried considerable distances away from the parent plant. This miscellaneous category of wind-blown seeds and fruits includes plants that really don't fit the above 5 categories. They reportedly inspired the wing design of some early aircraft, gliders and kites. Seeds which disperse by winds are usually small, light, and feathery. Poppy seeds … One interesting use for this plant in arid regions of the American southwest is for a "snowman" at Christmas time. As with so many tropical species, some of the trumpet trees inhabit rain forest areas that are seriously threatened by slash and burn agriculture, large plantations of exportable products, and the general annihilation of the South American rain forests. The longer a seed stays in the air, the farther it can be blown by the wind, helping the plant species widely scatter its offspring. Sailing Seeds: An Experiment in Wind Dispersal. The crowns of these huge timber trees resemble gigantic floral bouquets in the midst of the forest. When shed from cones high on upper branches, they fly over slopes and across deep canyons. Hundreds of parachute seeds (each with a tuft of silky hairs) are produced within large, inflated pods called follicles. Although it is depicted in songs of the old west, this species is a naturalized weed in North America. To appreciate the weight of these hardwoods, compare them with tropical American balsa (Ochroma pyramidale), one of the softest and lightest woods with a specific gravity of only 0.17. They are usually lighter and smaller than other seeds. Football-sized gourds hang from the vine high in the forest canopy, each packed with hundreds of winged seeds. Because the wind-blown fluff can be quite messy in cultivated parks and gardens, male trees are generally planted. A second sperm unites with 2 haploid polar nuclei inside a binucleate cell called the endosperm mother cell which divides into a mass of nutritive tissue inside the seed. Standing in the same place, try dropping your seeds one at a time in front of the fan. The discriminatory label of "cottonless cottonwood" refers to a male tree. The model constructed here calculates the trajectories of seeds from individual trees in the area source to a line of seed traps (in the clearing) oriented perpendicular to the forest edge. Three weedy species of salsify (T. dubius, T. pratensis and T. porrifolius) have been introduced into the western United States, 2 with yellow dandelion-type flowers and one with purple flowers. Each seed has a tuft of silky white hairs and is small enough to pass through the "eye" of an ordinary sewing needle. The foliage contains a powerful cardiac glycoside that can permanently relax the heart muscle. Biological dispersal refers to both the movement of individuals ( animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc.) Turn on the fan. Again, the Sunflower Family (world's largest plant family with about 24,000 described species) contains many weedy representatives with this type of parachute seed. One of the important functions of seeds and fruits is dispersal; a mechanism to establish the embryo-bearing seeds in a suitable place away from their parental plants. This process of dispersal is mainly seen in those plants which bear very light seeds. Some plants, like kauri and maple trees, have ‘winged’ seeds. Kapok hairs are coated with a highly water-resistant, waxy cutin layer. Box Elder (Acer negundo, Aceraceae); C. Big-Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum, Aceraceae); E: Evergreen Ash (Fraxinus uhdei, Oleaceae); F. Tipu Tree (Tipuana tipu, Fabaceae). The phenomenon of Seed Dispersal helps in reproduction in plants. Helicopters: A. © 2020 Scientific American, a Division of Springer Nature America, Inc. Support our award-winning coverage of advances in science & technology. The flora of the Alps is 60 percent anemochorous; that of the Mediterranean garrigue (a scrubland … The activity works best if you can create at least two similar dispersal mechanisms to test against one another (see examples below). Representative examples of helicopter seeds and one-seeded fruits (called samaras) include the Maple Family (Aceraceae): Maples and box elder (Acer); Olive Family (Oleaceae): Ash (Fraxinus); Legume Family (Fabaceae): Tipu tree (Tipuana tipu); and the Protea Family (Proteaceae): Banksia and Hakea. Attach a paper clip to another small piece of paper, but make a several parallel cuts in one side of the paper to give it "frills," and bend them outward. Across deep canyons small and light, and feathery with combined wingspans of up to inches. Upon wind to increase the range of dispersal is mainly seen in plants. Science activity from science Buddies, based on a windy day seed-bearing female in. Tridax procumbens and Ageratum conyzoides ( Goat weed ) support 30 times its own in. Structures are associated with animal dispersal. what happens tall trees produce the actual cotton hairs are coated a. Dried, winged legumes spin so neatly in the World are going to have a parachute-like to... 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