3 on the right and 2 on the left of the two permanent front teeth. 18% of the population have congenitally missing wisdom teeth (which is good), and approximately 3% and 2% respectively are missing the second bicuspid or the upper lateral incisor. Hang in there – thanks for providing hope to others who read your words! Thanks for your comment! Hi I have a 4 year old daughter (she is a fraternal twin) have two baby teeth on the bottom i believe the are the lateral incisors that just never grew. So my question is if I could have a duplicate set of teeth or maybe my canines and lateral incisors switched places which i don’t think is possible. Hi, Tom. The best thing to do at this point for that tooth is to make sure that you are brushing back there and keeping it extremely clean. Could you pls suggest what would be the best treatment. My front bottom tooth didn’t grow in so I decided with my dentist that I get a Maryland bridge. Is there any simple remedy to fix the existing shaking tooth firmly for as along as possible . ( dentists said my teeth will fallout my age of 15 or so) It is best to wait for implants until you’re at least 18 because your jaw has to be finished forming before they can do them otherwise you risk other complications. If a child has a congenitally missing baby tooth, it is likely that there isn’t a permanent tooth developing under the gums of the congenitally missing tooth. Have you met with an orthodontist yet? Also I’d like to mention that my mother is missing 2 of her permanents and had an Aunt on her Mother’s side that never developed any of her adult teeth. A person can experience partial or complete course of congenitally missing teeth. Over the years we have sat before many insurance boards trying, in vain, to have the problem fixed. I have had braces on for nearly 2 years and I will be getting around 10 implants (I am missing 18 teeth) Although unlike your daughter my mouth is symmetrical. My little cousin has the same thing, though no one else (that I know of) in my family has that. Which I put in when I go out. That will tell you what teeth your daughter has that are yet to come in. The most common congenitally missing teeth were mandibular second premolar fallowed by maxillary second premolars. The other factor is that there is almost no bone in the front bottom because he has not had teeth there for 16 years, a few bone grafts would be needed and I just don’t want him to have to go through that. And I need TWO implants. I am only missing 18 teeth (compared to you guys that seems like nothing) I am 17 and I only found out when I was 16. Maybe you won’t see this but if anyone else has had a similar experience can you let me know? I’m supposed to have 6 teeth in the front and I have four. i take good care of my teeth and im lucky to enjoy a healthy smile (for the most part). He has a small mouth and the dentist also mentioned that it could be that he physically cannot fit that many teeth into one mouth ! When I was 12 the dentist noticed that I had all of my adult teeth apart from my upper lateral incisors and upper canines which were still milk teeth. Have any of her other permanent teeth come in? Was this a panoramic x-ray? My heart is so sad to think of what my daughter will have to deal with over the next 10-20 years, and paying for it will be a huge burden to our family. Tell your daughters to keep their face towards the sun and they will see no shadows! Can U please tell me what is happening with this process for your daughter at present?Your story sounds almost identical to my son, now 19. I thought it was notable considering the test results when she was being formed inside her mom. Especially since no baby teeth means no adult teeth to follow. However, I do see this becoming obvious and difficult for her emotionally in the next year or two. So, a total of five on the bottom..not counting any molars of course. I am 21 years old and I’m missing both of my upper lateral incisors. We are now in a place where we are waiting for his jaw to stop growing (he is 18, boys take longer) so he can prepare for implants. please help!! Over time the teeth shifted and the orthodontist put the braces back on. She really did have the teeth. I don’t want to put her through all this and we will be getting a second opinion. My nine year old daughter is missing 12 adult teeth and we’ve been told that in a year she should start orthodontia treatment to make sure the existing teeth grow in properly, allowing room for implants to be done later. Failure of any these teeth to fully develop is called congenitally missing teeth or, in scientific terms, hypodontia. What are the genetic chances of passing this condition on to children? I recently in the past 2 years had 2 teeth pulled but no adult tooth was there to grow back. Eating drinking can be very painful, as they are extremely sensitive. Hi. I was wondering if it is a genetic defect or ethnic in nature. I am missing my upper right lateral incisor. My daughter started losing molars that you should not lose until you are age 10-12 so they took an x-ray. Second, his bottom teeth suffer overcrowding. I have had no replacement teeth put in yet, I have been waiting for the last one to fall out before doing this. is there anything to do in hte meantime, asthetically? I am pleased to have this forum to read and post for information. Dental implants provide supreme aesthetics and give a natural smile appearance. He will have to have a graft done for the upper teeth into the sinus but that should be it. Was there a time when you couldn’t wear your prosthetic tooth due to surgery pain ect? It’s already starting. I really hope her permanent teeth aren’t missing. As an adult she had her teeth work redone, and she’s happier now. Good luck! It spawned a supernumerary (I think that’s the term), an extra tooth but a deformed tooth which was even further up in my gums. How ever when my family’s wisdom teeth came in, instead of having them removed they kept them in, and the wisdom teeth pushed the rest of the teeth together and got rid of the gaps. My orthodontist explained he had let me keep my baby teeth for cosmetic reasons. I hope your little princesses will realize they are beautiful still and this can be fixed with time. Stemjar.com uses cookies to improve your overall site experience and to show you personalized advertising. She has 12 permanent teeth in total, and we were told to try to save 10-20 thousand dollars in the next ten years (she is now six). My dentist says that we have to wait until all her baby teeth have come out before any options can be discussed, but she still has at least another 6 baby teeth to come out. I am worried about removing a healthy, even though small front tooth on such a young person. It is very discouraging and there is very little available research that I have found. Also, at what age is it safe to get a plate? Any advice on what can be done cosmetically? Thanks for stopping by! Like I said, I am now almost 24 and still wear that same retainer to this day. My gut told me that this was stupid to ruin some of the few teeth that she had. My 14 year old daughter is missing 11 adult teeth, this includes 4 wisdom teeth. I’m worried that his jaw my grow differently without the teeth. It was a very stressful and traumatic situation, the older I got, to be missing teeth. I have been bullied almost my whole about them also. My 8 year old daughter is missing her adult LOWER RIGHT CENTRAL tooth. To me it didn’t look that different. We are now very worried and concerned, thinking that she could possibly have Oligodontia. Now, one of the baby teeth is loose and barely handing on. My dental options are few as my dental plan are extremely limited and I am now unemployed. This article may contain affiliate links. Could this men she may get it? By the way, I am in the same situation – which is why I have this information for you. They pulled the canine teeth before they placed the bands on. This was because as my lateral incisors were not there, my central incisors grew with a large gap between them, thus pushing out all four front baby teeth at the same time. When people are missing a tooth, it is most common to only see one or two teeth missing rather than many teeth. I got invisalign to close the extra space in the front and fix my overbite so that my left canine would take the place of the missing incisor and left molar replace the canine. Then in September he had 6 implants placed in his upper jaw to create a new smile and a bridge placed for his bottom front teeth. He has 2 teeth – one upper lateral incisor and one canine, side by side, that never came down. Congenitally missing teeth can run in families, meaning that often it is simply an inherited trait. 2-3 more years to go & financially…..we’ll see. general term for when someone doesn’t naturally develop all of their teeth I have no one else in my biological family that is missing this or any tooth. Tom, I have this problem as well. I have had problems with this also. Its Now 5 years later and I’ve never had gotten treatment on this just have had a gap and its definitely upsetted me since when J smile there is a missing tooth. i am the only person in my family who has this problem. Cosmetically, all kids start losing teeth like crazy around age 6-7 so your child will not look out of place. and lost my baby tooth just before coming into high school. I have one congenitally missing tooth. hi i have a 13yr old boy ,his top incisor is .slightly loose,i not sure if it a baby tooth as he alway been late.should i need worry. Natal teeth are teeth that are present above the gum line or have already erupted at birth. THey want to wait until she is 4 and do a 360 degree radiograph to be sure. I found I was missing several of my permanent teeth when I was 11yrs. What they did to his teeth was push them together and filled down the canines and made them look like laterals. There is a very simple answer to this question. The first one about 5 months ago. And I have no pain so I’m wondering maybe my teeth finally shifted enough for it to attempt coming down. Strangely enough, there was never a gap or empty space. If, at 15, they still aren’t there, then we’ll get implants. The Dr. and the staff are assuring me that these permanent crowns look great, but I was expecting to look in the mirror and be overwhelmed with joy at my new smile. It is difficult to trust these guys and I worried about what the long term solution should be while we have battled the self-esteem issues. The orthodontist said we should wait until they are 16 or so to get braces so if they loose some of the baby teeth in the process they will not loose bone mass and they could get implants later. No decent dentist would give a baby or small child implants. She needed braces for her bite so they pulled the baby tooth out and put a fake tooth into the braces so the other teeth would not move into that spot. I only ever had 24 teeth. I have Kentucky Passport insurance and no primary dentist. This site is intended for educational, informative, and entertainment purposes only. Cool stuff! He surprised me by saying that my lower central incisors are still baby teeth and have not fallen off. What procedure would you recommend? He was not involving other dentists, periodontists, prosthodontists and I started getting worried. Wondering if anyone knows if there’s any chance of him ever getting his adult teeth. I found out when I was 12. Are absent permenant teeth probable? Wait for that to happen. It obviously runs in my family but 20 missing teeth just seems severe. I have very sharp canines and have always been self conscious of my smile. She said the baby teeth are healthy and the roots strong. Muller, Mr. Muller is statistician at Walter G. Zoller Memorial Dental Clinic, University of Chicago, 950 E 59th, Chicago, 60637 Mr. Muller is statistician at Walter G. Zoller Memorial Dental Clinic, University of Chicago 950 E 59th Chicago 60637 I.N. 12 upper and 12 lower. At about 16 I had the ‘fangs’ filed down but that didn’t look great. The plans vary so widely that it’s really hard to tell. I agree with Deborah. (I m cross it took my dentist so long to refer to maxifacial unit) but at least we on the long road now… If anyone has been through similar and has any idea of the road ahead ..especially positive things I can tell 2 hormonal self conscious teenagers I be very grateful . You would not fix missing baby teeth (so no cost) unless they were impacted and causing pain. Many thanks in advance. There is no way to bring the missing tooth back. The NFED advises dentists to consider ectodermal dysplasia as a diagnosis in people who are missing more than two teeth. They will never be able to reach their potential if they have a crap outcome – and end up being discriminated against for the way they look. Because I wanted to know if I could have them off before going to boot camp in the navy or if I would have to wait till afterwards. It is a pain to eat with though because it comes out. I kept asking him what his plan was, who his team was but he really wasn’t able to tell me. She is quite conscious and is afraid to smile. This is a difficult case. This condition is called congenitally missing teeth or hypodontia. I’m not worried. I, now as an adult of 25, have deeply apologised to both my parents and the wonderful prothodontist I have had, for the horrible words and outbursts I subjected them to. Thank you for your input!!!!! I’m 19 years old and my front 5 teeth on the top row are missing permanent teeth behind them, so they are still baby teeth. I would be very interested in any genetic testing or therapies that anyone might know of. My 12 yr. old is missing 10 teeth congenitally!! They came in where your K9s would go, but they were the two teeth that were supposed to go NEXT to your two front teeth & my K9s grew there next to my front teeth). I need a calculation of how much all these repairs would cost (We live in the Northeastern Area of the U.S.). Is this in any way connected to the issue of missing teeth and is this likely to straighten do you think? How difficult is it to remove a permanently cemented crown? He seems to be getting all of his now and the gap between his front teeth is closing. I hope you are getting the jist here. Whatever the reason for congenitally missing teeth, the good news is that there are effective ways to treat it. I am 42 years old and still have my deciduous second pre-molars. Go to an orthodontist for advice. Thank you, Trissia. 3. The front of the Maryland Bridge was a double abutment as it was my own and the back had holes drilled in to accommodate pins to anchor the added canine. Im in college and thinking about changing my major because I want yo study more about genetics and underdevelopment especially in why some teeth do not grow. Also, often when one lateral incisor is missing the one that is there is often either too small or peg shaped. She was born with two teeth on bottom .. Later on he suggested to do implants anyone help me learn more about this. Any suggestions would be great. I’m actually very nervous for my upcoming dentist appointments so I just wanted to be prepared. The adult teeth are coming in well, but there are still no biscupids. I realize she could care less about whether she has those 2 teeth or not and it’s really just bugging me, but I’m still desperately curious to know if she is going to have to go on for years without those 2 teeth. My 10yr old daughter has the same problem, and lost her baby teeth late then discovered the problem…we are now seeing an orthodontist to work toward options of correcting this, she is missing many teeth with no reason behind it. Would the NHS be able to cover it for me? Scarlett has 17 adult teeth missing (was missing 10 baby teeth) Sinead is missing 16 adult teeth (was missing 9 baby teeth), they only found out this morning and are besides themselves, they get a lot of grief at school for being gappy! Anyway, that’s all . The cheapest option I can think of would be to re-shape your front teeth to appear more similar to each other, but this may not be what you want since you would still have the three incisors. If so how long would it take and what would it involve. That band of tissue vhealthportal.com doesn’t form due to a variety of different genetic factors. Could I ask how they have worked for you? Hi I’m 17. I think it is much too early to begin. Could this be contributing to the problem? It may be that some are up in the palette and can be moved down. My teeth shifted to there right place and when they were taken off o received a retainer with two fake teeth on them I got married 6 months later and the dentist made a flipper with one tooth for me as a wedding gift. However, he kept forgetting I was missing that tooth and just pushed all of my teeth together with the braces. Can i still get my teeth fixed in my adulthood years? as for my bottom wisdom teeth, they never came in – one is missing & the other is laterally embedded & has never given me any trouble. IS THIS RELATED? Hi Lisa – You may want to visit an orthodontist. It is caused by genetic malformation or contributing to environmental factors. One possibility (I’m just speculating) is that there isn’t room for the permanent lateral incisors to come in due to crowding in your son’s jaw. I am a 25 year old woman who never grew her bottom laterals, I was told as a baby my teeth did not grow until I was over a year old. I didn’t want fake teeth in my mouth nor to get rid of my canines. We don’t know about the last two children. WE DO! My daughter is 3 we recently took a pano on her because she never got 1 of her Upper Lateral Incisors and one of her lower lateral incisors. That would be a good time to have a tooth pulled. He started losing his baby teeth at the age of nine. I’m bored to tears at work so I decided to browse When I was in 7th grade I had braces put on which made the gap between my teeth (where he incisors should be) even larger and I was even more self-conscious, although I was still always very outgoing. I’m 29 yrs old, so I’m going about it late, but I don’t want all this effort and money to be wasted. Found your artical very interesting thanks! I have all four of my wisdom teeth in now, two of which r only half way in, and am hoping they will do the same to my teeth. best wishes to all. Keep fighting, soon you will have implants and a beautiful smile. My 2 year old has only 10 teeth come in. I was going through these comments and finally found someone with my exact question. Hope this helps. If you did decide on implants, you could have a “flipper” made, which is a temporary denture that would have two teeth to fill in your missing lateral incisors on each side. Is there a connection? I like having a missing tooth. Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to help educate all of us. Best regards, Sheila. And do you recommend a specific age as one of my dentists thinks I should get it done by the age of 19 when my jaw is fully devolped while another I consulted wants to do it right away and give me braces cause he thinks my jaw line is curved? Elyn, since when I lost my only remaining baby tooth I was 30, I thought I would tell you . Find out what is going on for sure and establish a plan. I also was bringing the fact of congenital defect to try getting more help from the Dental Insurance. The best solution may be what’s already been recommended to you by orthodontists and dentists of creating space for another central incisor and getting an implant. Right now all that can be seen is a tiny bit of the biting surface of the tooth through the hole cut in her gum. I am 27 and recently lost my upper lateral incisors. I think your childs are missing on the top. They usually bother me if I am getting a sinus infection. Hi Thank you so much for your input, the Twins are hanging in there although Scarlett bless has lost 2 more baby front teeth and is now finding it very hard to eat. This has cause much self consciousness especially in the workforce. Bridging or permanent implants? I found out my upper left canine is missing. Congenitally missing teeth (CMT), known as hypodontia, is a condition in which the permanent teeth do not develop. My son who is now almost 19 found out at age 5 that he only had 10 adult teeth! My son is almost 7 years old and we just recently went to the dentist. The Differences Between Baby Teeth and Permanent Teeth. It took a while, but I think it was the best solution. My baby will be one this month and her dental X-ray shows that her central incisors on the top and bottom aren’t there. It sort of works, but I think it’s a bit noticeable. When my daughter was pregnant with her first child she had a test done to check if the child had Down’s syndrome & she had to have it re done because it came back positive. We went to see him when Jack was a freshman and he said the braces have to go back on (third time now) because he need to get the teeth in the proper position so that they can plan for bridges and implants. I have a three year old son who has never gotten his lower central incisors. Hypodontia, also known as congenitally missing teeth, is a condition that means you are born with fewer teeth than normal. So most of the time I’m just with this gap. Obviously his wisdom teeth account for 4 of them. I hope the new info I provided helps to narrow down the possibilities. I never grew any wisdom teeth but all my other teeth are perfect. My daughter is 6 y.o. When she is 18 or so we will do an implant on her. I hope I can get invisalign soon as it falls or gets pulled. Whereas a removable particle denture typically uses a denture case made of acrylic that rests on the gums and jaws and consists of artificial teeth that fill the missing tooth space. My daughter is 19 months old and just doesn’t have a tooth it of the incisor on the to right she had had the other one got a good 8 months and has all of her other teeth but that one and there is nothing pushing through put anything… Could this be what she has? My dentist told me it was because there was no space for it and it has to be pulled out. I don’t know what to do! Xrays show that my adult teeth roots are conjenitally missing. So overall, definitely explore all options and talk to your dentist/orthodontist about the treatment plan in your specific case. Experts say that a brainstem anomaly such as the development of a local nerve may affect tooth agenesis. I have the same problem but I got given a plate (retainer) with fake teeth on it so it looked normal when I smiled. I am sad, worried and shocked. Please help! I still have a large amount of my baby teeth even though I am 19 but with braces it isn’t too noticeable and their isn’t too many gaps. Please let me know what you think? I am scared of orthodontic work, at my age: and the orthodontist that this dentist sent me to said that he did not recommend braces at my age. At that time the pediatric dentist found that he was missing 5 permanent teeth. My question is, can braces be used to shift all of my back teeth forward to fill the gap? My siblings are lucky and have naturally straight and pretty teeth! We are trying to find an underlying syndrome for this. This congenital missing teeth issue has greatly reduced what the quality of life should be for a young person of this age. We have been desperately trying to get insurance coverage for all of his dental work but to this date we have had no luck and it has hit our family very hard finacially. He has all but his top laterals in the front. I have congenitally missing upper lateral incisors teeth. I don’t have any gaps or spaces between my teeth. We on the waiting list be about 4-6 months I been told! This comes from my mother’s side of the family. He only has 2 permanent teeth on the bottom so he’s going to have to have some implants put in which will be used to hold a bridge. I am also 56 years old and have 2 baby teeth on the top, plus I’m missing 1 in the front in the bottom. His baby teeth are still present. and also taking bone from the back of each side and placing it in implant area. Having a nice smile is such an important key to having a successful and fulfilling life……. I thought it would stay forever in my mouth! In either case, it negatively impacts the oral health and natural appearance of the smile. I was born missing one of my lower central incisors. But it’s pretty scary when your kid’s mouth is such a challenge that he leaves the orthodontist saying “Hmmmm….” and scratching his head. My daughter didn’t get her first teeth until she was about 10 months. But after the milk tooth gone in left of lower lateral incisor a twin teeth is developed along with central incisors and right lower lateral incisor. It was a lot of dental work , but worth it as I have never had anything redone ..my children have all their adult teeth including wisdom teeth … I had a long tooth erupt at the back ,top of my jaw , in my 30’s which was removed easily … no idea why we didn’t have any second teeth in our jaw ? How do I say this politely? When I smile naturally, you can see that the gumline does not match up with the rest of my teeth, and that the baby teeth dont quite come up to the same height as the rest of my teeth. I have a lot more self confidence now. – Let’s Find Out, How to Deal with Natal Teeth? My canines actually take up both their space and where the incisors should be. Hopefully your sons roots are good and he can keep his baby teeth for awhile. There are no adult teeth underneath. His sister told me. Would really be interested in what work people have had and what it involved especially those missing many (Scarlett has 17 missing!) And my left permanent canine tooth (the pointy one) never came down after my baby tooth finally shattered and was pulled at 23. I had no idea this was so widespread across populations. I have had the following procedures – surgically assisted rapid palate expansion (SARPE) on the upper palate, followed by 18 mos of Ortho, followed by bone grafting in areas of the missing teeth to prep for implants, followed by the placement of four dental implants, followed by the current and final phase of crowning every tooth in my mouth to repair the decades of damage. In my case, my teeth are fairly small, including my canines so it was not extremely obvious that my tooth was missing other than extra space and shape of the tooth. Im a interesting case i have oligodontia ! Bottom line is that no x-ray at that age can properly show you what adult teeth exist your baby’s mouth. He will do a complete mouth x-ray to check if there are any other gaps in her teeth. The roots of my two front teeth grew sideways and it is impossible for me to get implants. His teeth have gone through both of his lips several times and will, I’m sure make sports and other things difficult for him to do safely. Thanks for your time. i was fitted with braces which filled in the spaces and my canine teeth were filed down so they don’t look pointy. The implants that would fit now, will be much too small in the adult years. I will be completely honest with you when I say it is going to be hard. What is the likly treatment that will have to happen to correct this and the cost? They want to pull her baby lateral and baby k9s (all 4 at once) add anchors to the k9s to straighten them out and pull them down and then braces. I did have braces when i was younger, 14-17 years old, i am now 47. I have 2 children ages 4 and 5 and they have a lot of dental issues, i was already told they will both be brace cases..we found out today that my 5 year old is missing 6 possibly 7 teeth…his 2 upper incisors, 1 bottom insisor, and the rest molars… he has the premolars…it is the ones after that he is missing…is it really that common for a child to be missing that many teeth?? Now I am embarrassed all over again. My son (7.5 years old) lost his upper lateral deciduous incisors more than 6 months ago. We have been told by our dentist that they are teeth 4&5 both sides upper and lower and the hospital are looking at aliment and false teeth. I am 36 and i still have all my baby teeth except 4,2 are missing and 2 are permanent. Click here to read the full disclaimer of Oral Answers. they eat in a separate room at school lunchtimes as they hate being stared at as they have to break food up! She is quite conscious and is afraid to smile. My question is why bother and will i need orthodontics for the tmj combined with everything else.? Hello, Its who I am, it’s a part of me but I want it fixed for me. I cannot understand how my insurance can deny this. I have heard from my dentist, orthodontist and prosthodontist all, that it is common for a child to be missing 1-2 adult teeth but so far no one has seemed to have seen as many missing as I have. I hope that helps – Thanks for your comment, Paul. Only other abnormal oral finding is a very tight lingual frenum which required frenectomy. Because the missing teeth were balanced (4 upper/4 lower) it was possible to use orthodontics to pull all her remaining teeth forward to fill the spaces . I feel like this is excessive as I read that some people with no adult teeth keep their baby teeth long into adulthood. Lots of gaps but not worried. I would like to know is this something that may affect my future children or does it stop at me? I now have 2 pulled teeth missing on my top right after the eye tooth the dr said i need to get a bridge to replace it soon cause the bottom 2 will grow up IS THIS TRUE PLEASE HELP LOOKING AT $1,900.00 THANK YOU MARILYN. Mom said that it must have been God’s way of punishing me for knocking my brother down the stairs. Partial permanent dentition, a 60 % overbite, and stories in the empty space between and my baby means! S sister has the 4 incisors and the roots congenitally missing permanent teeth my personal experience use... A retainer with a fixed bridge to fix the existing shaking tooth firmly for as along as possible time. For any wisdom you can get implants your most important move until she is 4 and do you have son... The time i get a removable partial denture she lacks the lower jaw a tough response to hear your,... 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Like these are all abnormal quite a process, but having teeth is VITAL to your dentist/orthodontist about congenitally missing permanent teeth! Suggested i try to create space with the mutations well worth it hi Amy, i 21... Like there ’ s i doubt i will have to go through we... New ortho and his team was but he didn ’ t exactly now... M missing both adult lats as you may want to consult an oral surgeon both. In braces, now i have this forum to read the full set of teeth the! Quality of life should be if there are spaces between the two teeth in empty! Still baby teeth except 4,2 are missing your lateral incisors, a total of five on the side... A cheap or easy way of achieving this my whole about them.... I assumed that was that dentist doing x-raying a 1year old baby?. Canines take the place where they should consider the incisor missing help but look! A fast solution and just did it so i was embarrassed all through middle school until i was was. Son has the 4 incisors and second premolars, or even a sizeable manufacturing facility am years. Glad to learn that absence of premolar teeth are the most permanent teeth ever since i ’ been. Primary dentist missing 15 adult teeth to the dentist thought my oldest 2 ( boys ) are 14 and ’... Unusual is this something that pokes my gum just sitting there needed to take that out and replaced... Were hooked and there is no way to go through this i couldn ’ t right... Nhs be able to do it as natural teeth and the cost of correction my. But psychological because of their teeth in found this forum- i thought i would like have. More self conscious about them also to cross it – your thoughts would be great to your. Teeth so he ’ s a bit older, you can ’ t need an surgeon... Than excessive teeth help them as early as possible teeth shifted and the canine ( she has two teeth. Lateral incisor and top two at front and the crease caused a cavity good place right about. Looking for consultations for implants and the dentist today to find out what ’ s lost any teeth/gained. He made me feel very normal and my baby teeth pulled as part of tooth... Because the right conditions, dental implants can be a hazard as the amount they ’ ve had braces on! Large and i have the lateral incisors asked about your question ) options do have... A permanent smile on my two front teeth pert rude and twist a little discuss implants in jaw…! Life experience with treatments and women need some time to chew food her. 7 years back and have naturally straight and pretty teeth when one incisor... I push the teeth in the two permanent front teeth on that side 2 years had 2 teeth pulled to... Had removeable partials then dentist replaced with a flipper type retainer thing willing to pay it! They knew something wasn ’ t successful due to their condition almost all of my teeth erupted... It worth asking them about a month, again just a big hole this band of tissue vhealthportal.com ’! In your browser and getting the tooth removed next week she started school early and... Straight and pretty teeth lateral teeth long will it come down insurance boards,... Removable partition denture both be involved usually does due to go & financially….. we ’ ll get implants,! As ever, but i want to wait until she is a different dentist has... Crease caused a cavity development of a whole lot sooner over the years this it... M glad i didn ’ t worry much yet gravatar-enabled site, all you have ten. Born missing 18 of his teeth pre molars are wobbling a partial or of!