Description ; Millets are annual grasses and are some of the oldest of cultivated crops. Excellent pollinator attractant.
A popular seed among songbirds, you can use this seed alone in your feeders or mix with other favorite seeds. }
var productIdMap = {}, search_string: getUrlParameter('search_query') Buy and Sell Millet Seeds online. display: none !important;
A warm season legume that requires a lot of heat to grow well for a cover crop. var productId = obj.getAttribute('data-product') || obj.getAttribute('data-product-id'); .thisCheckoutCustom,.thisCustomCheckbox{
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Additionally, it can be mixed with other seeds to create a custom blend. £17.57 £ 17. 4.8 out of 5 stars 9. } $('#uniform-ship_to_billing_existing').parent().addClass('thisCheckoutCustom');
$('.thisCustomCheckbox #ship_to_billing_new').trigger('click');
var regex = new RegExp('[\?&]' + cleanName + '=([^]*)'); Proso is a warm-season grass and is well-adapted to the warm summer temperatures.
Rosemary Millette Summer Bouquet Sound Clock, 8-Inch, Sunflower Hearts: No-Mess, No-Waste Birdseed. }else{
Millet can also be offered in a hopper and mixed seed tube feeders, though it is not small enough to be fed through mesh feeders or smaller tubes dedicated to Nyjer seed. $(' ').insertAfter($('.thisCustomCheckbox'));
if($('.thisCustomCheckbox #ship_to_billing_new').is(':checked') == true){
Sellers of field seed in the United States talk about ... and either red, yellow, or white in color. Perfect on its own, or enjoy it toasted or topped with sliced avocado and a poached egg for a nutritious, balanced breakfast. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board, Magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and other trace minerals. It is a common ingredient in seeded bread. White millet is a major ingredient in many commercial bird seed mixes, but it can also be served by itself. // $('.Submit input.billingButton.btn').attr('value','Bill to this address');
} Proso millet (Panicum milliaceum L.) is grown in the Soviet Union, China, India Western Europe and in the US. Size: 10lb. 'name': product,
'category': variation,
if($('.thisCustomCheckbox #ship_to_billing_new').is(':checked') == true){
fbq('track', 'InitiateCheckout'); White Millet contains protein, fiber, fat, vitamins & minerals, so it offers your backyard birds a balanced, nutritious meal. White Millet; Cut Corn; Blacks; White Milo; Wheat; Red Milo; 2008 Birdseed Delight (no corn) Black Sunflower; Peanut Pickout; White Millet; Red Millet; Safflower; Stripe Sunflower; 2010 No Corn Supreme. Ingredients: White Proso Millet … $('