Finally, the size of these sticks are perfect, ensuring that one bamboo stick more than satisfies a rabbit for the day without filling them up with unhealthy ingredients. Keep your bunny healthy and entertained with safe toys and chews. So I’ve decided to compile a list of the plants that we have in the garden that the rabbits will and won’t eat. You’ll also want to make sure that the branches are … The most damage is done by rabbits and that doesn’t amount to much. Rabbits and guinea pigs can live for up to eight to ten years. Avoid any materials on the toxic wood list and make sure your bunny's toys, chews, and cages are 100% safe. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It will lead to an imbalance in unhealthy bacteria. Cherries. Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina Domestica) is another plant that is unfortunately named after bamboo and is not related to them. This kind of sweet chew sticks is the favor food for all small rodent pets Perfect teeth grinding chew toy for all kinds of rodent animals, like: rabbits, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters, squirrels, sugar gliders etc. Because of the hollow stalk, it is a nice idea to fill the middle with some hay and give a 1 or 2-inch long piece to keep your curious explorers to play with and chew. This is the complete list of safe wood for rabbits. Rabbits can eat celery leaves without any problems. You can also get wicker baskets and furniture that are made from willow. If you want to go for something that does not ruin the view, then you can try various recipes of unpleasantly smelling sprays. Can rabbits eat pears? 1. alfalfa; apple (seeds are toxic)   arbutus; ash; aspen; apricot (only when dried for at least one month) bamboo cane; basil; blackberry; blackcurrant; borage; carrot (no seeds) cat-tail; chickweed; chicory (wild) cholla; cilantro   clover (red and white) coconut shell; common comfrey (dried) cottonwood; crabapple; dandelion; dogwood There are more than 1400 known species of bamboo worldwide, ranging from sky-high to tiny in size. Rabbits are nibblers and clay litter can cause blockages in bunny’s tummy if they eat it. Required fields are marked *, eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'onlinerabbitcare_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',344,'0','0']));Comment. This common garden plant can be poisonous to animals if … It is officially known to be toxic to rabbits. I wouldn't give it on a regular basis as timothy grass is best for every day hay. The Happy Bamboo is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Willow. Bury 10 inches of the fence to discourage digging under it, and make it at least 2 to 3 feet tall to prevent the rabbits from hopping over it. I feed my rabbits a lot of banna grass and bamboo leaves, and the growers are kept on pasture in rabbit tractors. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'onlinerabbitcare_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',321,'0','0']));Just make sure that the bamboo wood has not been treated, or sprayed with insecticide. We have been using bamboo sticks for the last six months now, and it's the only chew product we've found that our spoiled, picky, two-year-old English Spot bunny actually likes. Also avoid corn, wheat, alfalfa, and oat-based litters as bunnies too commonly ingest them. Give your rabbit plenty of fresh hay–oat hay, timothy, orchard grass hay, and replace two times or more a day. This year we have seen them eating some plants that they have never eaten before. Another option is to go for coyote, fox, or wolf urine – smelling their predators will definitely make them hop away. You can give rabbits pieces of the thing they want to chew: their own small towel, for example, providing they aren’t ingesting it. It can upset their gastrointestinal health. If rabbits eat those, I’ve still got my “real crop” in a distant raised bed. In that case, you need to think of some ways to repel them from visiting your property. It's a start, but I'd like to … Safe – Despite being a slightly unorthodox treat these natural sweet bamboo check sticks are completely safe for your pet. The world’s largest type of grass, bamboo’s leaves can be attractive to hungry rabbits. No, your rabbits shouldn't be allowed to eat bamboo shoots, they are toxic to rabbits. We would highly recommend only bonding desexed animals as there is less hormonal factors in play. The rabbits don’t have a lot of grass to eat so they have been giving our plants a very hard time. It is worth soaking the wood in hot water and then drying it to ensure it is clear of any … The commonly grown Lucky Bamboo actually is a Dracaena. Unfortunately, there are no bamboo dog chew sticks for canines. Don`t worry, you don`t have to follow a wolf to get its urine. Rabbits can get by without pellets as long as hay and fresh green vegetables are given every day. You can easily buy it online or even at physical stores like Home Depot. Your dog can chew at it for hours and yet not take off a lot of it. Yes bamboo wood is great for rabbits to chew on as rabbits love to chew on woods such as bamboo to grind their teeth down. The world's largest type of grass, bamboo's leaves can be attractive to hungry rabbits. To stay on the safe side I would advise to not experiment and better not let your rabbits near it. Our goal with this section is to cover as much information regarding the health of rabbits that can be found on the internet. Rabbits need a high fiber diet. It is not included in any of the lists that state foods that are safe or unsafe for rabbits. Emours Natural Bamboo. Over 450 varieties are grown in the United States. In fact some bunnies just love them! Items that are safe for rabbits to chew on: One of the most effective ways is to put up wire mesh fencing also known as chicken wire. Peach trees. Your email address will not be published. I'm a little concerned it might be very US-centric, but I guess even if that's the case there's still going to be a lot of info I can use here in Australia. They can chew it any time. Especially great chew food for Chinchillas, rabbits and guinea pigs.Your pet must love and completely eat it all If you notice their stool getting soft or stuck to their bottoms, stop giving fruit and only offer them high fiber foods. Bamboo seems like a fun plant to give them but is it a good idea? Good for Teeth – This is a perfect treat for assisting with the teeth grinding process needed to support the healthy growth of your rabbits’ teeth. What if you are growing some nice bamboos in your garden and rabbits already have convinced you that they are not a poison to them – because they keep coming back to eat some more? Another important thing to look for – make sure the litter your choose is not a type of clumping litter. Bamboo shoots and stalks fit into the category of food that you can give to your rabbits as a treat but must be careful to not give them too much in one sitting. Is Treated Wood Safe for Rabbits? 13. Everyone wants to keep their pet rabbits safe and happy. Your rabbit should always have toys available to play with, as rabbits that do not get proper mental stimulation often resort to destructive behaviours to pass the time. These snack sticks are created using premium timothy hay. You should always avoid clumping litters for rabbits, just in case, but especially if you have a rabbit which likes to nibble litter – avoid it like the plague. There is a site which lists what a rabbit's diet should consist of, including what they shouldn't be allowed to eat. Yes, the rabbits can eat grass clippings. Twigs and branches also provide them with roughage which is good for their digestion. Can Rabbits Chew Paper? Bamboo is NOT alright … Because of their unique rhizome-dependent system, certain species can grow up to 35 inches within a 24 hour time period. How to Give Pine Cones to Rabbits | Cuteness Mental stimulation is important for the happiness and well-being of your pet rabbit. You can get willow twig balls for rabbits to chew on and toss around, or you can get bundles of willow sticks for your rabbit. The result can be diarrhea and even death. Bamboo is a type of grass so I would agree with giving a small piece to your rabbit as a treat. Yes bamboo leaves are great for rabbits to eat, just make sure that they haven’t been treated with insecticide or aren’t plagued with insects. Can Rabbits Eat Balsa Wood? Scroll down to read about those. Some bunny chew toys are even made from balsa wood. Rabbits naturally chewing the soft bark and even eat the wood of twigs and branches to helps wear down their teeth, that grow constantly throughout their life. It is important to distinguish between true bamboo varieties and common look-alikes “Lucky bamboo” and “Heavenly bamboo”. No, the chemicals in treated wood could be harmful to your rabbit, so it’s best avoided when searching for safe wood for rabbits … As we established, a bunny nibbling on a bit of bamboo will not cause much harm. Specifically, the leaves are the part that should not be given to them. Deer can eat bamboo but it is not a preferred food source. However, keep in mind that veggies should be given with moderation and frequently changed so the bunny can receive a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals and various other nutrients. Bamboo chews are currently only made for hamsters, squirrels, rabbits and other small pets. Your email address will not be published. Wild rabbits are cute and enjoyable to watch as they scamper across the yard. Regular intake of grass clippings makes the rabbit teeth strong and enhances the flexibility of the jaws; that’s why it is perfect for dental health. Thankfully, there are several things to try out. However, they can be given to rabbits after they’ve been cut and dried for at least a month. Speak to your vet about more advice on bonding. It is officially stated as toxic to cats and dogs though. Avoid cereal/grain mixes (such as rabbit mix muesli) as these can encourage selective feeding, nutritional imbalance and obesity [1, 4]. They’re high in fiber to help support digestive health and dental hygiene in your pet pal. So gathering up bamboo for your rabbit can be a good thing to do. Flavor is delicious! Bamboo is a perennial evergreen plants that are some of the fastest growing plants in the world. Favorite Answer. Rabbit owners say that their bunnies absolutely love these treats. If there is any way possible that there could be any type of chemical on any thing that you feed her, then DO NOT let her eat it. It is not advisable to young bunnies and should be reserved as a treat only to your adult pets as it is too easy to give too much to the youngsters. So gathering up bamboo for your rabbit can be a good thing to do. How to Build a Rabbit Fence with Nylon Netting. What about the bamboo pellets? Potatoes are high in carbohydrates and starch, both of which can cause issues for your bunny’s digestive system. Grow Plants They Don’t Like Unlike humans, who are sticklers in terms of which flowers they consider edible, our rabbit friends will eat zinnias, mustard blooms, dahlias, and thousands of others with equal abandon. Bamboo chew sticks. Most bamboos prefer tropical climates, but some hardy versions can survive temperatures as low as minus 20F (minus 28C). The problem they contain high levels of plant sugars and starches, and even moderate amounts can result in too much sugar in the rabbit’s hindgut. If you have cats or dogs as well, you can check out this article! He can, and will, nonstop chew up & eat his bamboo stick in just a few hours, yet everything else … The hard bamboo grinds down a rabbit's constantly growing teeth, and it also helps to promote jaw health. Gauge: About 100g = 100 grams (About 10-14 Sticks),the length is about 3.94in,but the thickness are different. 1 decade ago. It can upset their gastrointestinal health. Although potatoes won’t necessarily poison rabbits, this human-favorite vegetable isn’t ideal for them. I did find a case where a rabbit had chewed quite a lot of this plant and was ok but who knows how yours will react. They should not eat them in large quantities because they are very high in sugar. Bonding Bonding any two animals together should always be done with care and supervision as it can result in severe injuries to both animals. Just make sure that the bamboo wood has not been treated, or sprayed with insecticide. Just be sure that these are untreated if you want to give them to your rabbit to chew on. Yes, rabbits are allowed to eat 1-2 teaspoons of pears per 2 pounds of body weight. Safe Woods (and Wood-like Substances) for Rabbits . Can rabbits eat fresh grass clippings? These plants are different and I will look at them separately. The problem they contain high levels of plant sugars and starches, and even moderate amounts can result in too much sugar in the rabbit’s hindgut. Before I get down to some useful tips and thoughts on the subject, I shall hit the mainthing by giving you the list of those plants. Now that we know that true bamboo varieties can be fed to your bunnies in moderation it is important to note that not all that has “bamboo” in its name really is bamboo. Except for those who didn't really want a rabbit in the first place, the number-one reason for discarding the rabbits is destructiveness. They can chew it any time. Examples include wooden chew blocks or old telephone books. It is important to use a rabbit-safe litter. Safe for young pets’ delicate teeth; won’t cause broken teeth or bleeding gums. Bamboo shoots and stalks fit into the category of food that you can give to your rabbits as a treat but must be careful to not give them too much in one sitting. Over 30 years of growing bamboo we have experienced and have received reports of only a few occurrences where deer have killed bamboo from grazing. Yes, rabbits can eat balsa wood. In all my research I have done, I did not find information either way. It is worth soaking the wood in hot water and then drying it to ensure it is clear of any insects before giving to your rabbit. Willow is a common material for rabbit toys. You do not want things clumping in your rabbit’s digestive tract. Even though they can eat fruits, they should be given in small quantities. Rhubarb. Following along the same lines as cardboard, let’s examine if it’s safe … Stick to the usual vegetables your bunny can eat. Yes bamboo wood is great for rabbits to chew on as rabbits love to chew on woods such as bamboo to grind their teeth down. Fruits can lead to serious health problems, so avoid feeding him pears or other fruits on a daily basis. Special color: sweet taste to ensure the healthy growth of small pet teeth, not because the teeth are too long and eating difficult to eat things can not be normal. Clay cat litter is not acceptable! More as treats than a full meal. Any kind of litter can have clumping agent added to it, and every kind of litter should tell you on the package if it is clumping or not. In this post, I will talk about whether bamboos and their common lookalikes are safe to rabbits, discuss the bamboo pellets, and end with ideas on how to repel wild rabbits and hares from ruining your bamboo gardens. Rabbits sniff around a lot and dislike many smells – garlic, onion, chili pepper, soap, sulfur – make a smelly mix with water and spray around the plants you want the rabbits to stay away from. Make sure the litter your choose is not a type of grass bamboo... Which can cause blockages in bunny ’ s tummy if they eat.. As minus 20F ( minus 28C ) view, then you can also get wicker baskets and that. A Dracaena recommend only bonding desexed animals as there is less hormonal factors in play do not things! Unfortunately named after bamboo and is not related to them natural sweet bamboo check sticks are created using timothy... Timothy hay cause blockages in bunny ’ s leaves can be a good idea a unorthodox. The growers are kept on pasture in rabbit tractors to tiny in size of banna and... Goal with this section is to cover as much information regarding the health of rabbits that can a! Is another plant that is unfortunately named after bamboo and is not a preferred food.... 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